
It has been an interesting month-or-so, and there have been good days and bad days in terms of progress on the bass. It’s an interesting place to be, because as each little victory unlocks a new level of understanding the instrument, it simultaneously reveals just how much there is to learn. I keep using the ‘climbing a mountain’ analogy and even though I’m sick of it, it really is how it feels at the moment.

Still, progress is being made. I have had a few ‘eureka’ moments with the bow where it has started to feel a lot more comfortable and natural. 1-2-4 fingering is firmly embedded, and shifts are gradually becoming less of a leap into the dark. One thing I will say is that, even though I’m not playing anything particularly exciting at the moment, I still find just making a sound out of the instrument incredibly satisfying. I take that to be a good omen.